Here is the picture from the other day, when we had to rescue Isabella from locking herself in my room. You can check out the story
Remember when I was at the park and saw
Jennifer Garner? Well, while at the park last Thursday, Tom Brady and Gisele stopped by with their two boys. Of course I had to google the event and sure enough I was able to find a picture of Gisele and I.
I also found a picture of Quincy running by. And if any of you were wondering...yes, we are at the park all the time.
Also, I picked a winner for my giveaway....everyone! If you entered then you won! I've been busy and all the headbands are done, and ready to be mailed. I especially liked this entry by my husband's friend, and wanted to share.
Mortgage Mann, "I deserve to win the headband for my beautiful little lady Vera."
Don't you just love a Dad who is completely smitten by his little girl? BTW I've seen Vera's picture and she is adorable, and I hope she likes the new headband.
P.S. Since I don't know every winner's head size I just attached the felt hearts on headbands.